Physical disk in failed state but online on MegaRaid on CELL
BUG ID: 25632147
1. Copy the cell disk config.xml file (Take backup)
[root@jfclcx0024 config]# cp cell_disk_config.xml* /tmp
[root@jfclcx0024 config]# ls /tmp/cell_disk_config.xml*
/tmp/cell_disk_config.xml /tmp/cell_disk_config.xml_
2. Remove the config file
[root@jfclcx0024 config]# rm cell_disk_config.xml*
rm: remove regular file `cell_disk_config.xml'? y
rm: remove regular file `cell_disk_config.xml_'? y
rm: remove regular file `cell_disk_config.xml__'? y
3. Stop the celld services.
[root@jfclcx0024 config]# service celld stop
Stopping the RS, CELLSRV, and MS services...
The SHUTDOWN of services was successful.
4. Start the cell services
[root@jfclcx0024 config]# service celld start
1: 108 usec
1: 76 usec
Starting the RS, CELLSRV, and MS services...
Getting the state of RS services... running
Starting CELLSRV services...
The STARTUP of CELLSRV services was not successful.
CELL-01537: Unable to read the cell_disk_config.xml file because the file is missing or empty.
Starting MS services...
The STARTUP of MS services was successful.
5. Check the status of the cell services, cellsrv will not be started
[root@jfclcx0024 config]# service celld status
rsStatus: running
msStatus: running
cellsrvStatus: stopped
[root@jfclcx0024 config]#
[root@jfclcx0024 config]#
6. copy the backup config.xml file to its original location.
[root@jfclcx0024 config]# cp /tmp/cell_disk_config.xml .
7. Restart the cell services.
[root@jfclcx0024 config]# service celld restart
Stopping the RS, CELLSRV, and MS services...
The SHUTDOWN of services was successful.
Starting the RS, CELLSRV, and MS services...
Getting the state of RS services... running
Starting CELLSRV services...
The STARTUP of CELLSRV services was successful.
Starting MS services...
The STARTUP of MS services was successful.
8. Confirm the cell services are up
[root@jfclcx0024 config]# service celld status
rsStatus: running
msStatus: running
cellsrvStatus: running
[root@jfclcx0024 config]#
9. Now check the status of the physical disk, if the status is normal.
[root@jfclcx0024 config]# cellcli -e list physicaldisk 8:10 detail
name: 8:10
deviceId: 25
deviceName: /dev/sdk
diskType: HardDisk
enclosureDeviceId: 8
errOtherCount: 0
luns: 0_10
makeModel: "HGST H7280A520SUN8.0T"
physicalFirmware: P9E2
physicalInsertTime: 2017-02-26T07:23:06+00:00
physicalInterface: sas
physicalSerial: P1PMBV
physicalSize: 7.153663907200098T
slotNumber: 10
status: normal